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Frequently Asked Questions

Most Frequently Asked | General | Technical

What support does KDCalc come with?
KDCalc comes with 30-days of free e-mail support from our tech support.
Phone-in sales / feature requests and bug reports are free.
Phone-in consulting incidents are available for a fee. (see the pricing page)
Custom consulting development is available. Feel free to send us any inquiries.

Does KDCalc support charts?
Yes. KDCalc Version 5.0 now supports charts. KDCalc will generate your Excel charts inro your ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, and HTML web applications. Click here for a Demo.

Does KDCalc allow me to persist state?
Yes - see the saveState, loadState, and processXML API's.

Does KDCalc support off-book references?
Not directly. KDCalc uses the cached value from the off-book reference and substitutes it in.

Does KDCalc support arrays?
No, array syntax such as {3;4;5} is not supported. Nor are methods such as Trend which return arrays.

What functions does KDCalc support?
See the KDCalc Functions document. If the function you're looking for is not there, let us know.

Does KDCalc read .xls files?
No, KDCalc reads in a proprietary .kdc file format which is typically 1/5 the size of a .xls file.

Does KDCalc allow me to change cell formulas at runtime?
No, KDCalc hides formulas. Most users find this a positive as KDCalc is meant to be a runtime engine which contains business logic. Depending on your needs, you may link KDCalc up with Excel or other reporting packages for end-users while some calculations occur on the server. See the processXMLState API.

Does KDCalc support full row/column syntax such as A:A or 8:8?

Does KDCalc support Macros, custom coded VBA, or custom functions?
No, KDCalc does not currently attempt to parse and translate existing Macros or VBA code. KDCalc does not support custom functions either. Custom functions will result in a #NAME? error.

Does KDCalc support named functions?

Does KDCalc support Pivot Tables?

Does KDCalc support Queries?
No, but it is easy to write custom code to insert and retrieve data to/from KDCalc from other datasources.

Does KDCalc support cell formatting such as background color and border styles?
In version 4.0, KDCalc supports...

Does KDCalc support Conditional Formatting?

How big of a spreadsheet can KDCalc support?
We have encoded spreadsheets over 10 MB and with over 100 separate sheets.

How can I request a feature to be added?
Please e-mail us with your ideas.

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