KDCalc is used all over the world in
  mission-critical applications!
 Actuarial and Insurance Solutions
 Banking and Finance Solutions
 Business Performance Management and Monitoring
 Business Rules
 eLearning Simulations
 Enterprise Plug-Ins
 Financial Trading Solutions
 Product Configuration and Price Quoting Solutions
 Reporting Solutions
 Risk Management Solutions
 Turn Excel Into Batch Calculation Engines
 Turn Excel Into Enterprise Web Applications
 KDCalc-Generated User Interfaces
 Hand Crafted User Interfaces
 Features Overview
 Calculation Engine Features
 Web Application Features
 Supported Excel Features
 Supported Excel Functions

Case Studies

Insurance | Banking | eLearning | OEM Partnerships

Banks have a dirty little secret -- many of their mission-critical business processes are executed manually through Excel!

A large bank needed to transform the way it conducted loan approval. One group within the bank had created an Excel spreadsheet that was used by loan originators around the country to rate, underwrite, and price commercial loans. Every few weeks, a new loan approval spreadsheet was emailed out to loan officers around the country.

This process created many problems such as lack of accountability and security, officers using outdated spreadsheets, and individuals modifying the spreadsheets to their own liking. In addition, new regulations require that banks now track their underwriting decisions, making the current procedure unacceptable.

With KDCalc, the bank could convert their Excel spreadsheets into an ASP.NET application. Now, instead of having to email out their spreadsheet, the loan group can design, develop, test, and maintain their spreadsheet in Excel and then use KDCalc to deploy them to the server. The new application can record the current user's decisions and log them to a database.

Furthermore, with Knowledge Dynamics' eLearning simulation capabilities, the bank is able to use the same ASP.NET application as the core of a training simulation to train new loan professionals on their actual system. Whenever the spreadsheet is updated, the business application and training simulation stay synchronized because they are both based on the same spreadsheet and technical infrastructure.

One of Knowledge Dynamics' other products, the Discourse Engine, provides intelligent feedback and guidance to learners in the simulation. So while learners train on simulated loan applications, they are given feedback on what types of questions to ask the borrower and how to identify up-sell, down-sell, and cross-sell opportunities. The same intelligent feedback feature advises loan professional in the actual loan application to help them identify additional revenue opportunities.

Contact us so we can show you how combining Applications, Simulations, and Integrated Performance Support can revolutionize your businesses performance by improving human performance.

Customer Quotes
"Our system went live in Malaysia today, and so far I haven't had a 'phone call! No news is good news in this game! Thanks for all your support in getting us to this point. The deal would have undoubtedly fallen through without KDCalc."
-Nick P.
"... we use KDCalc for our Web Broker Portal to allow brokers to be able to quote prospective groups online. KDCalc its doing its job. Nice product!"
-Juan R.
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